Church Blog

Church Blog

Missions Weekend | Titus 2 Women’s Brunch

Date and Time: March 22, 9:15 – 11:15 amLocation: Cove Campus Worship Center This Titus 2 Women’s Brunch is a very special Missions Edition! Whether or not you ever plan to go to the mission field, this will be for you! Please join us for food and friendship as we hear from one of our incredible overseas missions partners who is here to visit us in person. She will share with us about her ministry and what it’s like to…

Missions Weekend | Men’s Missions Barbecue

Date and Time: March 22, 2025 from 5-7 pmLocation: Worship Center, Cove Campus You’re invited to join us for an incredible time focusing on Missions as we enjoy barbecue and time together as men. We’ll be joined by a Rivertree missionary from Southeast Asia who will share what it is like to live on mission as a man, husband, and father in an area of the world that is often hostile to the gospel. Come hear from him, learn how…

Easter Egg Hunt

Date and Time: April 12 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pmLocation: Cove Campus Calling all kids, families, and fun loving friends! Our annual Easter Egg Hunt is coming up, and we hope you can join us for this fun and free event! Everyone is invited, so feel free to bring friends, neighbors, or someone you just met! If you have any questions, please email We would love to see you there! Egg Hunt Times by age/grade: Egg Hunt Volunteers…

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday ServicesDATE AND TIMES: APRIL 20, SERVICES AT 7:30*, 9:00, AND 10:30 AMLOCATION: BOTH CAMPUSES We would love to celebrate the day that changed everything with you! We hope that you’ll join us, Sunday April 20, at one of our 3 Easter Service times occurring simultaneously at both campuses: 7:30*, 9:00, and 10:30 am. Our 7:30* service will be a sweet celebration praising with guitar and voices, while our 9:00 and 10:30 services will be an opportunity to rejoice…

Abide Women’s Retreat

Ladies, We hope you can join us for some time away with the Lord and each other! April 25 – 27 at ‘The Vision Retreat Center’ in Huntsville. Many of us long to experience true, meaningful rest. But what is rest, really? What Christ accomplished on the cross has afforded us a truer and better rest than what the world offers. But how do we live and work from a posture of that rest in the midst of our busy…

Dreaming Up Tomorrow | What’s Next For Rivertree

Dear Rivertree Family, We’re so thankful to share life with you and excited for the opportunities the Lord is bringing. We want to take a look back at where we’ve been and give glory to God for what He’s done as we pray about where He’s leading us to next. –Church Leadership What’s Next? One of Rivertree’s core values is “Pursuing What’s Next.” Throughout our history, we have demonstrated this value by continually looking for opportunities to connect individuals in…

Treeschool Registration

If you would like to learn more about Treeschool, our Mother’s Morning Out Preschool and Kindergarten program, please click here. We are excited for this next year, and we are so thankful to have the opportunity to serve these incredible children and their families!

Senior Adults | Legacy Planning

Special Topic: Legacy PlanningFebruary 27 | 1:00 – 3:00 PMCove Campus Treehouse We hope you’ll join us as we look toward leaving a legacy that looks at and goes beyond creating a will, thinking about our future as people of faith. Join us to hear from an expert who specializes in elder law, and enjoy snacks, sweets, and beverages. Please click the button below to register. We’d love to have you! Have questions about this event or about the SALT…

Care Center | Toiletries Needed

The CARE Center realized the need to provide toiletries for our neighbors through our food pantry after learning they could not purchase these items with their food stamps/SNAP benefits. When looking for a job or trying to turn your life around, body odor and not being able to shave your face or brush your teeth can be a barrier to your success. Additionally, not being able to clean your home adequately can cause illness causing you to miss work and/or your children to miss…

New Bible Studies for 2025

What better way to start the year than in the Word together! Everyone is invited. Please click on a study below for more information or to register. (Registration required for women’s studies only.) Have questions? Please reach out to us at We would love to hear from you!

Start Here Baptism Class

Parents and their children (K-5th grade) are invited to an event that will help begin a conversation about what it means to follow Jesus in baptism. Please join us on Sunday, April 6, for our Start Here Class at 5:00 pm in the River Rock Room of your home campus. Please email Kasi Duckett (grades K-5) if you have any questions. We hope to see you there! If you are an adult and are interested in being baptized or finding out more…

2025 Women’s Discipleship Groups

Our 2025 Women’s Discipleship Groups are just getting started, and if you’d like to join one, we’d love to help! We will read the Bible in small group communities following Foundations 260, a 260 day reading plan that highlights the foundational passages of Scripture that every disciples should know. The relationships formed in these groups are often unparalleled, and it is a great reading plan, whether you’re reading the Bible for your first or fiftieth time! If you’d like to…