Posts by Rivertree Church (Page 3)
Parent Resources from Rivertree Kids
Growing Together In Rivertree Kids we have 3 Preschool Truths and K-5th Growth Markers that we are learning on Sunday mornings in addition to the Bible story. If you would like to help your child learn them at home, we encourage your family to learn them together! 3 Preschool Truths K – 5 Growth Markers
New Song: How Could We Not Be Moved
Check out the story behind the song: FREE Resources Scriptures Psalm 84:1-2, 4, 10 How lovely is your dwelling place, LORD Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you. Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the…
How Could We Not Be Moved | Rivertree Music
What is your favorite song? Do you have a favorite song when it comes to praising the Lord? Have you ever wondered where that song came from? The Lord has blessed us with music that we are able to give back to Him in praise. There are examples throughout scripture of believers singing in joy, heartache, victory, thanksgiving, wonder, and adoration. There are even times that the Lord tells us to sing praise to Him, so it’s no surprise that songs have…
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Preparing Him Room
Preparing Him Room If you are like me, the Christmas season increases in busyness the closer I get to Christmas Day. Sometimes, my family gets so busy balancing plans, last-minute gifts, and cooking meals that we forget the whole reason for our frantic pace. If we are not careful, our hearts can be as busy as Bethlehem, with no room for the Christ of Christmas. In his incarnation hymn, “Joy to the World,” Issac Watts (1674-1748) saw the challenge in…
Ready for Christmas?
Are you ready for Christmas? It’s a question you’ve probably been asked more than once in the last few weeks. But what does that question really mean? Have you shopped? Crafted a menu? Solidified plans? Wrapped gifts? Sent cards? Made lists? Is this a joyful time for you? A difficult time? In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, we want to invite you to try a different kind of preparation: a preparation of the heart. There are…
Christmas Around the World: Uganda
Recently, we asked Ava Weeks, Rivertree’s missionary to Uganda, to tell us about how Christmas is generally celebrated by Christians there. When she asked the staff at 60 Feet, they were so excited to share that one of the staff members even sent photos of their family Christmas celebration to share with us! Please enjoy hearing this story from our brothers and sisters around the world, and we can remember each other in our prayers: heard by our God who…
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