Dear Rivertree Family,
We’re so thankful to share life with you and excited for the opportunities the Lord is bringing. We want to take a look back at where we’ve been and give glory to God for what He’s done as we pray about where He’s leading us to next. –Church Leadership

What’s Next?
One of Rivertree’s core values is “Pursuing What’s Next.” Throughout our history, we have demonstrated this value by continually looking for opportunities to connect individuals in our community to what God is doing in the world. A few years ago, this conviction compelled us to step into the new thing God was doing through the merging and opening of Rivertree Downtown.
Now, in just a few short years, both the Cove and Downtown campuses have grown in the middle of a city that continues to thrive. In fact, “Pursuing What’s Next” could adjust to “pursuing who’s next” because our calling as a church gets even more exciting when ‘next steps’ turn into ‘lives changed’ by the gospel. This calling is about life WITH one another and life FOR one another.
Your staff, elders, and trustees are thankful to be entrusted with this gospel calling and are humbled to know that each of Rivertree’s campuses are regularly reaching 1,000 in attendance. Stories of conversions, baptisms, biblical community and new mission efforts are being shared every day. All of it compels us to once again take a posture of “Pursuing What’s Next” to make even more room for those God is leading us to reach.