Sharing life together…

At Rivertree, we think your story matters enough that we want to become a part in it. And, we think that you matter enough that we want you to become a part of our story.
One of the most important ways we do that is by living life together in what we call a Rivertree Grow Group.
A Grow Group is a small group of people committed to living the Christian life together in community, putting into practice what we read and hear in the Word on Sunday morning, and cultivating the next Grow Group. Grow Groups are characterized by love for one another, a growth in maturity, and multiplication.
You are welcome to visit a Grow Group at anytime! If you would like to visit, have any questions, or would like more information on Grow Groups, please email Justin McGehee at the Cove Campus or Mitchell Morris at the Downtown Campus. We would love to help you!