

Women’s Ministry

About Rivertree’s Women’s Ministry is multigenerational and focused on mentor relationships. We invest in and learn from one another through different events and studies throughout the year. Whether you are married, single, a young mom or an empty nester, we’d love for you to connect with us! Titus 2 Events Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior… that they may encourage the young women…” – Titus 2:3-5 Our Titus 2 events help us connect with other women,…

Men’s Ministry

Rivertree Men’s Ministry exists to help men know Jesus by sharing the gospel and their lives. Men’s Missions Barbecue You’re invited to join us for an incredible time focusing on Missions as we enjoy barbecue and time together as men. We’ll be joined by a Rivertree missionary from Southeast Asia who will share what it is like to live on mission as a man, husband, and father in an area of the world that is often hostile to the gospel.…


Welcome! We’re So Glad You’re Here! Treeschool is a Mother’s Morning Out Preschool Program and part Rivertree Church. As a school, we aim to provide a safe, warm, and loving environment in a Christian atmosphere for each student. Treeschool’s vision is to partner with parents in developing the child’s emotional, physical, academic, spiritual and social needs in a structured environment with Christ-centered, age appropriate activities. We treasure the time we have with our incredible students and their families! It is a…

Children’s Ministry

Rivertree Kids –Helping Families Know Jesus. Mission At Rivertree Kids, we desire to partner with parents to influence the spiritual development of every child involved in our ministry. We are committed to providing fun and safe ministry environments that promote opportunities for growing while helping families know Jesus.  Our goal is to embrace our nursery and preschool kids so they feel safe and loved while we engage the interests of our elementary kids so they can discover how God’s story intersected with their story.…

Student Ministry

We invite your student to join us at one of our weekly gatherings!

College Ministry

We would love to have you come and hang out with us at the Rivertree College Ministry! Our mission is to grow closer to God and each other while preparing for the lives God is calling us to lead. Rivertree Grow Groups Part of sharing the gospel and our lives is living life together in Grow Groups. We encourage all college students to make the time to gather together with a Grow Group (and if you need help finding one, we’d love to help out!)…


We have been commissioned as disciples of Jesus to tell others the gospel story through the sharing of the message and our lives. We do this through the normal rhythms of our everyday lives. Life on mission is an intentional decision to invest in the people with which God has surrounded your life. It’s a purposeful decision to serve others by looking for daily opportunities to love, to invest and encourage. In addition to everyday mission, there are opportunities to…

Senior Adults Ministry

You are the salt of the earth… Matthew 5:13 Senior Adult Bible Study How can senior adults stay “salty” as we press on through the golden years? One good way is a healthy diet of Bible study and mutual encouragement to stay the course. We hope you’ll join us as we study the book of Galatians, on Wednesday mornings from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm at the 208 House of the Downtown Campus beginning January 15. We would love to…

Prayer Ministry

We consider it a privilege to ‘pray for all people, ask God to help them, intercede on their behalf and give thanks for them’ (1 Timothy 2:1). Our desire at Rivertree is to build up the church by interceding on behalf of our guests, attendees and members during our services and throughout the week. We invite you to submit a prayer request below if you’d like us to join you in prayer. Your request will be forwarded to our Prayer…

RT Music

“Sing praises to the Lord, O you his saints, and give thanks to his holy name.” Psalm 30:4 Music is an integral part of the worship expression found throughout the Scriptures. The largest book in the Bible is a hymnal where we read of songs that the people of God would sing to cry out in the midst of their joy, adoration toward The Lord, and even lamentations in the midst of their pain. One of the ways in which…