Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministry

Rivertree Men’s Ministry exists to help men know Jesus by sharing the gospel and their lives.

Men’s Missions Barbecue

You’re invited to join us for an incredible time focusing on Missions as we enjoy barbecue and time together as men.

We’ll be joined by a Rivertree missionary from Southeast Asia who will share what it is like to live on mission as a man, husband, and father in an area of the world that is often hostile to the gospel.

Come hear from him, learn how we can pray for the people in his area of the world, and be encouraged to live on mission wherever you are. Dinner is free, but please register to let us know you’re coming.


Date: Thursday Mornings beginning January 23
Time: 6:30 -7:30 am
Location: Downtown Campus, Little River Rock Room

In this study, we’ll focus on the life of David through portions of 1 and 2 Samuel. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to be encouraged in God’s Word with other men!

No registration is required. Reach out to Mitchell Morris if you have any questions, and we’d love to see you there!


Date: Thursday Mornings
Time: 6:30 -7:30 am
Location: Cove Campus, Worship Center

Men, you’re invited to join us in a new study in Colossians beginning January 23.

Each week, we’ll hear a short teaching from a pastor or leader in the church and then spend a bulk of the time in round-table discussion with other men, seeking to create a culture where everyone feels welcomed and heard.

The goal of this men’s group will be to study through books of the Bible, not merely intaking information but also applying what we learn to our daily lives. 

We were created for community, and this weekly meeting will be a great avenue for us to be shaped by God’s Word and encouraged by each other—to be more conformed to the image of Christ and for us to bond with other believers in the church. 

Please contact Justin McGehee if you would like more information on this study.


Date: Friday Mornings
Time: 6:00 -7:15 am
Location: Cove Campus, Treehouse

Join us for our Friday Morning Men’s Bible Study!  We meet weekly at 6:00 – 7:15 a.m. in the Treehouse of our Hampton Cove campus.

Come and join us for our in-depth study of the book of Jude, a tiny New
Testament book that is often neglected by Bible students. Jude urges
Christians to learn and vigorously adhere to Biblical truth as they encounter
ungodly leaders and false teachers. This study overflows with fascinating
connections between the New and the Old Testaments and is very useful
for our lives right now.

Come for a time of fellowship, study, and as iron sharpens iron, be encouraged and grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Newcomers are welcome at any time.  No registration is necessary. 

Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to know more. Call the church office(256) 539-7171 or Kyle Key (256) 762-7783. We’d love to have you join us.