We invite your student to join us at one of our weekly gatherings!
Student Ministry Downtown Campus
Student ministry gives us the opportunity to spend time with and pour into the next generation, to help them build a firm foundation in Christ, and to watch what the Lord does as our students grow into adulthood. We get to learn about Jesus together and have the best time doing it! Thank you so much for that privilege! Sunday Mornings Middle SchoolOur middle school students gather on Sunday mornings during the 10:30 service for a time of worship, teaching,…
Student Ministry Cove Campus
Student ministry gives us the opportunity to spend time with and pour into the next generation, to help them build a firm foundation in Christ, and to watch what the Lord does as our students grow into adulthood. We get to learn about Jesus together and have the best time doing it! Thank you so much for that privilege! 6th – 12th Grade Students: Please join us for our Christmas Party on December 18, during our regularly scheduled Wednesday night…
Student Summer Camps
HIGH SCHOOLERSWe are so excited for this all new summer camp experience at Laguna Beach Christian Retreat in Panama City Beach, Florida! Come and enjoy worship, teaching, the gift of God’s creation, fun and games, and an incredible time together! MIDDLE SCHOOLERS Get ready for CAMP! This year, we’re traveling to Linden Valley, Tennessee to get away, worship and learn about the Lord, and have the most fun! There will be worship, teaching, games, all kinds of summer activities, and…