Young Adults Ministry

Young Adults Ministry

A place for people in their 20’s and early 30’s to connect and grow in relationship with Jesus and each other.

Navigating young adulthood can be fun and exciting, challenging, and full of possibilities. It’s also not something you have to navigate alone. Rivertree’s Young Adult Ministry is for people in their 20’s and early 30’s looking for a place to connect, find friendships, and grow in relationship with Jesus.

weekly Gatherings

Sunday Mornings

Every Sunday, we worship together at the Downtown Campus during the 10:30 service. We try to sit toward the middle in the first few rows. If it’s your first time coming, you can stop by the Hub and let them know you’re looking for the Young Adults Group. We’ll get introduced, and the rest will be history!

Sunday Afternoons

Sunday afternoons, you can find us on the Pickleball courts. We play most Sundays at 2 pm at the Cove Campus, but please contact Jennifer Jaeger at 256-652-5532 to confirm and we’ll see you there!

Wednesday Evenings

Wednesday nights at 6, men’s and women’s groups meet in leader’s homes. These groups give us the opportunity to get in the Word, share life together, and build relationships that go beyond our scheduled meeting times.

Please contact Kenda Johnson for the women’s group location or Mike Morris for the men’s.

Monthly Gathering


While Fireside is usually the first Wednesday of the month, in April, we will meet on the 9th (second Wednesday). We’re excited to see you there!

On the first Wednesday of every month, the men’s and women’s groups meet together for ‘Fireside’ from 6-8 pm at the Downtown Campus. This special evening includes fellowship, worship, and engaging guest speakers. We’d love to see you there.

If you’re looking for a place to be known, be involved, grow in Jesus, or just find out who He is, we would love to have you.

Please reach out, and we’ll get you plugged in. Email Steven Dunne if you have any questions, and we’ll see you soon!