Are you ready for Christmas? It’s a question you’ve probably been asked more than once in the last few weeks. But what does that question really mean?
Have you shopped? Crafted a menu? Solidified plans? Wrapped gifts? Sent cards? Made lists? Is this a joyful time for you? A difficult time? In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, we want to invite you to try a different kind of preparation: a preparation of the heart.
There are many ways we can prepare our hearts for Christmas, but it seems a common thread between them involves stepping away from the hustle and bustle, at least for a moment, and seeking the God that this season is all about. We can read the Word, pray, and give thanks; but today, we invite you to marvel.
Have you considered the sky lately? Vast wonders exist in the heavens above that seem such an ordinary part of our lives that we rarely look up; have you considered them?

The Lord has used the skies as illustrations, to send messages, and to fulfill prophecy. He told Abraham of the many children that would be attributed to him through the stars (Gen 15:5). He tells us cheerfully following Christ will cause us to shine like the stars in the darkness (Phil 2:15). He announced the birth of His Son, to those who were paying attention, through the skies (Matt 2). The list goes on and on. Their beauty and intricacy has been studied over the course of many lifetimes, and even with a million more years to study, we would likely not understand all they have to offer.
This should lead us to worship!
Psalm 19 says “The heavens declare the glory of God; The skies proclaim the works of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; Night after night they proclaim knowledge.”
The skies are beautiful. So beautiful, in fact, that many people have worshiped the skies themselves instead of the one who made them. (The Lord warns us against this in Deuteronomy 4 and Romans 1) While the skies are created things and do not deserve our worship, their daily declaration can be an ever present reminder of the God who does.
So this season, whether you’re running full speed with joy and excitement, feeling busy and overwhelmed with to do lists and appointments, or even if you feel like taking the next breath is more than you want to think about*; we encourage you to look up:
To remember how big our God is, and that there is nothing unknown to Him.
To imagine what it would have been like to watch the sky for the birth announcement of the one who would save the world.
To look at the skies and know you are loved by the one who created them.
To remember that this God, so big and mighty, set aside His glory, lived among us, showed us how to live, and invites us to be His children.
To give Him the praise, worship, glory, and honor He is due.
To sit and enjoy Him.
The skies are proclaiming Him. We hope you’ll look up. We hope you’ll marvel.
*We know this time of year that is so filled with joy can also be difficult for many reasons. If you are struggling and need someone to talk to or pray for you, would you please reach out?

Donna Lehman
What a beautiful word! Let us look UP this season to see the handiwork of our Father!
So thankful for Rivertree church! We value every staff member and appreciate all of your love, leadership and hard work! What a blessing you all are!!! Merry Christmas to you all!
Rivertree Church
Thank you so much, Donna! Your comment is a blessing to our staff. We are so thankful to serve the Lord alongside you in this place, and we love the people that make up this church! God is so good! Merry Christmas!
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