Treeschool Downtown

Treeschool Downtown

201 Marsheutz Ave SE, Huntsville, AL 35801
(256)-993-6571 ext. 148
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

We are so excited to announce the grand opening of Treeschool Downtown for the 2025-2026 academic year! Treeschool school day hours are 8:30-12:30 Monday through Friday.


Our curriculum for the 2-4 year old classes is a faith-based unit study using Pinnacle. Our 3-4 year old classes also use Abeka curriculum as a supplemental tool for teaching.

Amanda Price,
Treeschool Downtown Director

Click the button below to view current 2025 – 2026 class availability.

All registration is via lottery.
Registration will place at 8:00 am in the Worship Center Lobby of Rivertree’s Downtown Campus on the dates listed below:

  • February 6: Registration opens for Rivertree Church Members
  • February 12: Registration begins for Rivertree Attendees and Open Enrollment

Please have all paperwork filled out completely prior to registration (linked in the button below). Forms and registration fees will be collected at registration.


A non-refundable enrollment fee is required at the time of registration. This can be paid via cash or check. This fee includes registration and curriculum/supply fees.

  • First Child: $250
  • Each Additional Child $200

Tuition for classes is as follows:

  • 2’s M/W/F: $275/month
  • 2’s T/R: $255/month
  • 3’s M-F: $310/month (Child must be fully potty trained and independent in the bathroom. Pull-ups are not allowed in class.)
  • 3’s M/W/F $275/month (Child must be fully potty trained and independent in the bathroom. Pull-ups are not allowed in class.)
  • 4’s M-F $315/month

Thank you so much for considering Treeschool! We do not take the honor, privilege, and responsibility we have in caring for children lightly, and we are extremely grateful that we get to do this each day.

Have questions? We’d love to help! Please reach out to us at

If you would like to have this information in a pdf, please click here. If you are looking for Treeschool at the Cove Campus, please click here.