Apr 9, 2025
Young Adults Fireside
Fireside6-8 pm | Downtown Campus While Fireside is usually the first Wednesday of the month, in April, we will meet on the 9th (second Wednesday). We’re excited to see you there! Calling all young adults: please join us for our next Fireside! On the first Wednesday of every month, young adults meet all together for our Fireside Chat from 6-8 pm in the Worship Center of the Downtown Campus. This special evening includes fellowship, worship, and engaging guest speakers. We’d…
Apr 12, 2025
Community Easter Egg Hunt
Date and Time: April 12 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pmLocation: Cove Campus Calling all kids, families, and fun loving friends! Our annual Easter Egg Hunt is coming up, and we hope you can join us for this fun and free event! Everyone is invited, so feel free to bring friends, neighbors, or someone you just met! If you have any questions, please email kasi@myrivertree.org. We would love to see you there! Egg Hunt Times by age/grade: Egg Hunt Volunteers…
Apr 13, 2025
Family Meeting | What’s Next?
Join us April 13th from 7-8:30pm at the Cove Campus as we continue to pray and discuss what’s next for Rivertree. On this evening, we will be talking about where we discern the Lord calling us over the next 10 years and how we will get there. We will be looking at the vision for the future, the next building projects, and possible ways to get there. If you’d like to know more about the discussions we’ve had so far,…
Easter Sunday Services
Easter Sunday ServicesDATE AND TIMES: APRIL 20, SERVICES AT 7:30*, 9:00, AND 10:30 AMLOCATION: BOTH CAMPUSES We would love to celebrate the day that changed everything with you! We hope that you’ll join us, Sunday April 20, at one of our 3 Easter Service times occurring simultaneously at both campuses: 7:30*, 9:00, and 10:30 am. Our 7:30* service will be a sweet celebration praising with guitar and voices, while our 9:00 and 10:30 services will be an opportunity to rejoice…
Discover Lunch
Discover is the next step in learning about the ministry of Rivertree and how we can partner with you on your faith journey.
Abide Women’s Retreat
Ladies, We hope you can join us for some time away with the Lord and each other! April 25 – 27 at ‘The Vision Retreat Center’ in Huntsville. Many of us long to experience true, meaningful rest. But what is rest, really? What Christ accomplished on the cross has afforded us a truer and better rest than what the world offers. But how do we live and work from a posture of that rest in the midst of our busy…
Apr 27, 2025
4th and 5th Grade Fun Night!
We hope your child will join us for our next 4th and 5th Grade Fun Night! This night of fun occurs on the 4th Sunday of each month throughout the school year at the Treehouse of the Cove campus, with different themes and adventures each time! All 4th and 5th graders are invited to come enjoy fun games and yummy treats! Contact our Children’s Ministry Director, Kasi Duckett, if you have any questions. Upcoming 4th and 5th Grade Fun Night…
May 7, 2025
Young Adult Fireside
Fireside6-8 pm First Wednesday While Fireside is usually the first Wednesday of the month, in April, we will meet on the 9th (second Wednesday). We’re excited to see you there! Calling all young adults: please join us for our next Fireside! On the first Wednesday of every month, young adults meet all together for our Fireside Chat from 6-8 pm in the Worship Center of the Downtown Campus. This special evening includes fellowship, worship, and engaging guest speakers. We’d love…
High School Beach Trip
HIGH SCHOOLERSWe are so excited for this all new summer camp experience at Laguna Beach Christian Retreat in Panama City Beach, Florida! Come and enjoy worship, teaching, the gift of God’s creation, fun and games, and an incredible time together!
Middle School Summer Camp
MIDDLE SCHOOLERS Get ready for CAMP! This year, we’re traveling to Linden Valley, Tennessee to get away, worship and learn about the Lord, and have the most fun! There will be worship, teaching, games, all kinds of summer activities, and we’ll get to be there with friends and churches from around the region. Registration is open, so sign up now!