Proclaiming the Transforming Power of the Gospel of Christ
Lincoln Village Preservation Corporation (LVPC) was formed in 2002 and has two main areas of service: Lincoln Academy (LA) and Lincoln Village Ministry (LVM). Through both of these areas, LVPC provides opportunities for improved living conditions, access to personalized education and enrichment, and general aid to the Lincoln Community.
The vision of LVPC is that the lives of all families and communities would be redeemed and transformed by the ongoing power of Christ through the body of believers.
LVPC serves the community of the Lincoln Mill area now called Lincoln Village. In this community, poverty is widespread with women and children being disproportionately affected. These disadvantaged children face daily obstacles including physical, emotional, social, and psychological hardships. By making a long term commitment to this community and by participating in every aspect of life, LVPC desires to break the bonds of generational poverty and transform lives for Christ.
Under LVPC’s leadership, they currently have purchased and refurbished over 20 historical properties within the Lincoln Mill Village area to provide safe and affordable housing for residents of the area. They have also purchased the Lincoln School building and started a private church school for the children of the neighborhood.
Their scope of work encompasses a wide variety of areas within the community. They attempt to meet Lincoln Village residents’ spiritual, educational, medical and housing needs, as well as provide support in a variety of other areas. They have built strong relationships and continue to seek ways to revitalize and bring God’s redemption to this community.