Survey Results
In November of 2024, we participated in a survey as a congregation that served as a health assessment to see how we are doing as a church and how ready we are to take next steps in engaging and making room for our neighbors.
If you would like to view the Family Meeting where Ross walked through the survey results and shared his own campaign experience as well as where we believe the Lord is leading, please click here.
What were the primary takeaways from the survey?
- Overall, the church is very optimistic and excited about the future. There is a general sense that “God is moving” in a good direction.
- There are some past capital campaign hurts. We asked the question, “What would make a capital campaign experience redemptive?”. We learned there are past hurts.
- There is a desire for us to communicate often and be transparent.
- There is a campus preference. People are excited for what God is doing at each campus but there is a preference for projects at their own campus.
- The congregation values fiscal prudence. No one wants to see the church to do anything to jeopardize what they are experiencing now.
What is happening right now with the project?
We are in ongoing conversations with our architects to refine the project. We are researching the church’s debt capacity and debt tolerance. Our membership is always part of final decisions related to debt. These are things we want to address in our next family meeting later this spring.
Other questions we are working on:
- What is the scope of the next campus project?
- How did we decide on what the next project will be?
- What will the building design look like?
- How much is it going to cost?
- How are we going to pay for it?
- How will a capital campaign work?
Submit Your Questions
We will try to post answers to ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ on this page. If you have questions, we would love to hear from you! If you don’t see the answer to your question already listed here, please click the button below to ask.
Thank you, Rivertree Family!
Submitted Questions:
Why are we considering a building project?
We are thankful for the blessing of the people the Lord is bringing and we want to make sure there is room for those who would like to worship with us. Some of the reasoning behind exploring a building project is connected to the capacity issues we have experienced over the years, not just in worship attendance but in the other ministries such as Rivertree Kids and Students.
Why would we build instead of adding more services times?
It takes time to execute a building project, and we probably will add an additional service at some point. We believe this is a temporary measure that may help for a while, but is not a sustainable solution.
We have employed three services in the past and were able to move some of the church to an earlier Sunday service, but it didn’t relieve the capacity challenges we had with kids ministry. Having a younger church with lots of families keeps us dealing with good challenges at 9:00 am and 10:30 am.
Why would we not just renovate the old Southside sanctuary?
We’ve explored renovating the old Southside sanctuary but it too has some challenges and doesn’t add many more seats than our current space.