February 16 | 7:00 PM
Downtown Campus Worship Center
At the end of last year, we administered a church-wide survey as part of seeking the Lord in pursuing what’s next. As we ‘Dream Up Tomorrow,’ we’re asking the Lord how He wants Rivertree to serve in His kingdom- not only in our church buildings, but also in the homes and neighborhoods that surround us.
Could we, as the people of Rivertree, share the gospel and our lives with those around us in a way that would make an eternal difference? Are we able to care for others while not neglecting the church family in our midst?
The survey served as a kind of health assessment with valuable results. We heard from so many people, and many important things were said. The comments and answers have allowed us to think through ministry and our next steps carefully, and have even led to some changes. We would love to share these insights with you.
Please join us, Sunday February 16 at 7:00 pm in the Worship Center of the Downtown Campus as we go over the survey results as well as how we believe the Lord is leading us as a church body.
There will be a second meeting in the Spring to discuss campus construction projects, their costs, and how we hope to pay for them. This, February 16 meeting will be to discuss the survey, ministry, and vision, but not campus plan details. We are thankful to be in ministry with you, and we hope you will be able to attend!